Have you received a letter or Hearing Notice that your FireEscape requires and inspection or repair to be brought up to code?  

Have you been cited for not having a fire escape or exterior stairs as a means of egress from your apartment building, house or rental property? 


Let  SafeEscapeways  help you eliminate the red tape. We have successfully resolved hundreds of legal issues using our team of experts, inspectors and experience with the design and fabrication fire escapes and all forms of egress. 


Local Township and Borough ordinances require structure inspections, inspection codes, and building permits. Existing exterior fire escapes require an inspection by a registered design professional no more than every 5 years.


City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Building Inspections (BBI) requires fire escapes to be inspected every (5) five years.

1104.16.5.1 Examination.

Fire escape stairs and balconies shall be examined for structural adequacy and safety, in accordance with Section 1104.16.5, by a registered design professional or others acceptable to the fire code official every five years, or as required by the fire code official. An inspection report shall be submitted to the fire code official after such examinations are done.

A new requirement in Section 1104.16.5.1 establishes an inspection frequency for fire escapes and balconies erected on existing buildings. Fire escapes present a lot of concern to code officials because the stairs, ladders, balconies, and mechanical fasteners are commonly constructed of carbon or galvanized steel. Rust is a metal oxide that corrodes and damages carbon or galvanized steel and reduces its strength, so if escapes are not properly maintained this issue could arise. The evaluation is necessary to confirm that the exterior of stair design component satisfies a minimum load requirement detailed in Section 1104.16.5, and is properly maintained. Availability for service in the event of an emergency requiring the occupants to exit the building. Fire escapes are now subject to specific examination requirements.


Let  SafeEscapeways help you with the red tape.  



INSPECTION/CODESBelow are instructions to Special Inspectors. Click the button to the right to print.



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